Friday, November 12, 2010


Leave it to Denzel Washington to star in another great movie. His Book of Eli will be on my favorites of the year list, and while this one won't, it was still a great movie. The plot is nothing new. Ethan Suplee starts the train rolling, literally, when his character Dewey does some of the stupidest things imaginable, but actions that you could also believe that someone would be stupid enough to do. After getting off a moving train to manually change the track, the train picks up speed and leaves him and his co workers behind. When the train gets jossled into high gear, the title of the picture rears it's ugly head. Denzel is Frank Barnes, an engineer nearing a forced retirement training the new guy Will Corson, played bt Star Trek's Chris Pine. Soon it becomes apparent that these two are the only two who can stop it. Along the way they are coached by yard boss Connie (Roasario Dawson) and stymied by Corporate douchebag Galvin (Kevin Dunn). The ending is never really in question, as in the real life story, they save the day. But how they do it is riveting and Tony Scott's expert directing is a big help. What is really interesting are the corporate happenings that demonstrate that the big wigs are more interested in earnings and losses than collateral damage. True dat. This is a pulse pounding movie with great directing and terrific acting. The end credits explain where everyone is now and trust me you won't be surprised by the results. Especially Dewey's future career path. Trust me it's fitting. The one thing not talked about in the movie is the repayment the train officials gave Frank and Will: a tee shirt and a coupon. If that doesn't sum up why I hate corporate America, I don't what does. At least they have a film now to show them the heroes they really were.

4 out 5 stars

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